Private Physical Therapy Treatment-

Licensed Physical Therapists and Strength Coaches resolve pain and dysfunction to restore functional movement patterns real time with an objective, evidence based movement assessment system, showing measurable gains within each session.  Clients are provided with personalized plans to reinforce changes, and restore movement independently.


Private Physical Therapy Consultation-

GOT PAIN?  When movement is painful, a client no longer has a fitness problem, he or she has a medical problem.  First, they owe it to themselves and their family to make sure the problem is not something more serious, like systemic disease.  Second, they owe to to themselves to have their pain diagnosed by a medical professional, and receive reasonable recommendations on treatment, lifestyle/training modifications, and probable outcomes.

Private Movement Maintenance Treatment-

Reassessment of movement at regular intervals, or with changes in programming and lifestyle is necessary, just as a client would take their vehicle in for regular checkups and maintenance to prevent breakdown, the same is true for the human machine.

Private Movement Consultation-

If pain is NOT limiting movement, but performance is lacking, and the client is not responding to appropriate

coaching and programming, a standardized, objective assessment of movement competency performed by a physical therapist and strength coach will provide an individual corrective program to address each clients deficiencies.

Movement as Medicine

Physical Therapy Consulting and Education

Video Running Analysis-

Endurance sports are unique in the limited movement patterns employed and the immense repetition involved in training.  Both elements factor into the alarmingly high injury rates among runner in particular.  Video treadmill gait analysis allows the clinician to break down and cue correct, evidence based running skill to manage injury and improve performance.


Physical Therapy


60 min.$115



45 min$90

Physical Therapy 


45 min.$95


Maintenance Treatment

30 min.$70
Running Analysis60 min.$100

Prices are subject to change.