MaM founder Patrick Nelson graduated from Northeastern University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Physical Therapy.  His ten years of clinical practice have been specialized in orthopedics, sports medicine, and performance enhancement.  MaM is the result of a decade learning and working closely with Orthopedic Surgeons, Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers, Coaches, Fitness Trainers, Massage Therapists and Acupuncturists.  Patrick is also currently the Director of Physical Therapy and Performance at Coastal Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.



18 Andrews rd Bath ME 04530 us   |  +1.2073193561  |



In coordination with other healthcare providers

In weight loss

In martial arts

In Crossfit

In strength and conditioning

In professional athletics

In off-season team sports

Movement as Medicine was founded to meet the needs of the contemporary fitness/rehabilitation professional AND consumer.  We employ a philosophy built on the foundation that sound fitness training and rehabilitation exist on a continuum, and success in both is based on quality, pain-free movement.

We implement and teach the objective, evidence based Functional Movement Systems to set baselines for competency, measure progress, and manage risk of injury.

We provide quality, evidence based, manual therapy to reset tissues and nervous systems, employ taping techniques and activity profile modification to protect these changes, and finally teach exercise progressions to cement the gains in function we foster.

Movement as Medicine

Physical Therapy Consulting and Education